Friday, April 16, 2010
Back Piece - Exoskeleton Spine and Wings Tattoos Style
Ankle Tattoos Style
Friday, April 2, 2010
Free Tattoo Flash Art - Finding Quality and Printable Designs of Tattoos

Tattoo flash are images that are pre-drawn or created by tattoo artists and put as displays on the walls of studios or filed in binders to serve as reference for clients looking for ideas and designs for their tats. The traditional flash are hand-drawn on a piece of paper or cardboard, mass produced usually for rapid tattooing.
Examples of traditional flash are designs such as pinup girls, anchor, eagle, heart, dragon and rose tattoos. Those were the early, old school types of tat images that were displayed on the walls of shops which were convenient for those looking to get tattooed. They were drawings that are not complicated and can easily be inked on the chosen body part in one seating.
Nowadays, a lot of these hand drawn tattoo flash are being replaced by works done by professional flash artists who produce them through computer software and sell them on the internet or in conventions. If you Google tattoo designs online, you can be faced with tons of choices which can actually be overwhelming. However, sad to say, a lot of these search results are of low and poor quality especially the free ones. A lot of them are the cookie cutter types that have been used by thousand others; you would not want that, do you?
If you want quality flash tattoos, you can find them on the internet. Disregard the free ones as they aren't any great. Read reviews about the top galleries online and take your pick depending on what your needs are. Just keep an open mind and be precise on what you really want and soon your search will be over for that perfect tattoo designs that you have been dreaming of.
Being Careful With Dragon Tattoo Designs

As with anything that will last forever, you should be cautious when you pick it out. This is especially true for dragon tattoo designs. First time tattooers may not realize the complications they will face if they do not think about their tattoo well enough ahead of time. Draw it out yourself on the part of skin you are thinking of designing. Use pen or marker so it will last a few days. If you do not get sick of it then that is the first step.
The colors of the dragon design should also be carefully selected. If you get lighter colors, they will fade and blend in with your skin tone. This can ruin a dragon tattoo if it is not regularly freshened up with new ink. If you opt to get your whites, pinks, and yellows redone every six months or so, you can find yourself with a hefty maintenance bill. Darker colors fade, too, but they will show up better for far longer.
Do not rush into tattoos. Give thought to how they affect your future. If you aspire to do office or business work, will you have a tougher time succeeding due to a visible dragon tattoo? Often business courses instruct pupils never to have any tattoos showing. This is because there is a social stigma on people with tattoos. They may not be hired due to that, even if they are perfectly qualified.
What about other occasions? Do you have any events that will require you to dress up, say, for a wedding? Would a dragon tattoo mar how you want to look that day? Does your fairy tale wedding dress include a dragon tattoo showing on your arm? If you do not think it would bother you, then you can start looking for a place to get the work done.
Make sure when you consult the artist he or she gives you a price--preferably in writing. Some jobs can take hours. Artists who take longer get paid more. Get your price up front before you are under the needle and find your dragon tattoo design only half finished when you have exceeded your price range.
Pick a place that has excellent reviews and a good sanitary record. Ask around and do your research. You will find a big division between good places and bad. Look at examples of the artist's work. Perhaps you will not like his or her style of dragon tattoo designs.
Japanese Dragon Tattoo Designs and Meaning

The Japanese Dragon Tattoo is a very beautiful and colorful tattoo design and very symbolic, with its origins in myths and folklore. It is also very mystical, adding to the appeal of the Japanese dragon tattoo. Over the ages, from Egyptian times the dragon has represented good and also represented evil. However, the attraction of the Japanese dragon, apart from its stunning beauty is that it represents good luck and the source of wealth. The Japanese dragon also represents the meaning of freedom and being fearless, both very attractive qualities.
In the Greek language, dragon is sourced from draca, which means serpent.
Like the angel, the Japanese Dragon also has the meaning of guardianship, providing a protective force over those it was associated with. Other meanings associated with the Japanese dragon is strength and power. In Japanese culture the dragon is associated with supernatural powers, and amazing wisdom.
There are six forms of the Japanese Dragon. They are:
Sui-Riu is the king Dragon and is in control of the rain. Therefore in this day and age of drought he is all powerful!
Han-Riu has many stripes on his body and is up to forty feet in length. One of the biggest dragons.
Ri-Riu dragon is a rare breed that is not well understood. However, it is known that they have amazing eye sight.
Ka-Riu is a brilliant red color, and a petite dragon in comparison with the others.
Fuku-Riu is a favorite dragon of many people as it is the dragon of luck.
Hai-Riyo is known as the dragon bird, and the most advanced form of dragon. It evolved out of Chinese mythology.
The colors of the dragons have special significance, which are based on their parents. For example a dragon with a black color means their parents are very old and wise. Green dragons are smaller than average, but are representative of life and of the earth. Gold colored dragons are special because they have many special attributes such as wisdom, kindness and the ability to face challenges head on.
Yellow dragons represent the east. They are great companions when you need a hand, but can be self absorbed at times. Blue dragons are from the west. They are forgiving and compassionate, but on the negative side can be lazy and uncaring when it suits them.
Finding the right Japanese Tattoo Design for you can be quite daunting. Check out all the free sites on the net to get as many ideas as you can. Just remember that many other people have done the same thing to get ideas. For example, last month, over 41,000 people searched for dragon tattoo designs on Yahoo. Apparently, roughly 8 times that amount check out Google for the same search term. Then there is MSN and the other search engines. So a huge amount of people see the same free designs as you. If you want original Japanese Dragon tattoo designs, it is recommended that you check out books or other sources of tattoo designs that are not freely available. I have checked out three Japanese dragon tattoo galleries on the internet that have from 3,500 to 6000 different designs, so you will have no trouble finding what you want.
Amazing And Unique Dragon Tattoo Designs

One of the most popular and commonly seen tattoo designs are the dragon tribal tattoos. Many people have always been attracted to dragons and these tattoo designs can be inked any where on the body. It's because of this versatility why dragon tattoos are so popular. They symbolize power, danger, luck, freedom, rage, and destruction. Men are seen as the guardians of their family, so some men get images of dragons tattooed on their body to represent protection.
Although some people get dragon tribal tattoos to follow their tradition, others get these tattoos simply because they love them. There are many different designs and as you can expect, all of them are unique in their own way. Take a look at the top 4 dragon tattoo designs.
1. Western Dragon Tattoos: These tattoos symbolize anger, wrong doing, anger, or negative energy and the designs include four strong legs, a wedged shaped head, pointed teeth, and a large set of wings.
2. Eastern Dragon Tattoos: These tattoos symbolize luck and positive energy unlike it's western counterpart. They have beards with whiskers and a long slender body with four short legs. Red or green are the traditional colors of the eastern dragon tattoo.
3. Japanese Dragon Tattoos: These tattoo designs represent freedom, power, and kindness. You will often find this dragon design on the arm rather than any other body part. The Japanese dragon tattoo design has a serpent like body, small legs, three toes, and four claws. This dragon tattoo designs is also wing less.
4. Chinese Dragon tattoos: There are a lot of these tattoos and the most common is the horned dragon, which symbolizes rain. Another Chinese dragon tattoo design you will often find is the Chinese Zodiac tattoos.
New Style Tribal Back Tattoos
Maybe this is not a warrior face or a dragon. Maybe it is meant to look like one of those warrior masks, the ceremonial style masks I mean. That much I would believe if someone told it to me. Of course I would tend to believe anything I was told about tribal back tattoos because I really don’t know much.
Whatever kind of face it is meant to be forming, this tattoo is a good tattoo and it’s hot. It looks good and it makes this person look good and frankly I am a bit jealous of this person and their ink. It’s time for me to start looking into one of these tribal back tattoos for myself.