Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tattoos And Dogs
When one even hears the words tattooing pets or tattooing your dog they automatically think animal cruelty. Why at first it may seem like something cruel to do to your beloved pet, it can also save their life and help reunite them to you. Tattooing pets has been around for quite sometime and to be perfectly honest it is not considered cruel at all. The whole purpose of tattooing dogs in particular is so they have a permanent id tag on them at all times.
It is common knowledge that collars with id tags can fall off or even be taken off so a tattoo is a more permanent solution to this problem. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to having your dog tattooed. For starters people can alter your dogs tattoo if they find them and want to keep them. Also if you tattoo your dog on the lips or ears, sadly these tattoos can be cut away if someone wants to get rid of it. The best place to tattoo your dog would be on their stomach where their hair does not grow. The biggest advantage of tattooing your dog would be that the mark is permanent and that their is a database that keeps all information about your pet and you, so if someone finds your pet all they have to do is call one of the two tattooing databases that holds the information for dogs with tattoos.
The tattooing method for the time being seems to be the best methodfor helping you relocate your dog if they should get lost because not all places are equipped microchip scanning machine. If you are concerned about loosing your beloved dog maybe tattooing is for you.
Tattoos No Longer A Boys Club
When tattoos first came about it was nearly unheard of for women to have them. Tattoos really started to thrive in the military. Sailors would dawn their bodies with tattoos to show where they had been, what part of the service they were in, and so on and so forth. However, for a women back in those times to have a tattoo they were just considered a freak. In fact the only women who had tattoos back in those times were women who where in the circus. Well years have passed and tattoos have come a very long way. Now men are not the only ones allowed to have some body art on their skin. It is safe to say that the same amount of women go out and get tattoos as men and if it’s the not the same it’s pretty close.
However, it seems that it is completely okay for a women to get a tattoo but it’s another story for a women to give a tattoo. There are quite a few women tattoo artists out there but not nearly as many as their are men. Could this be because men artist are making it difficult for them to get into the tattoo business or because less women are interested in becoming a tattoo artist? Whatever the reason is, women are still looked down upon more than men if they do have body art. Women are thought of as being these pure, innocent creatures and having a tattoo is just considered inappropriate . This is probably why more women than men have their tattoos removed and seem to have more regrets about their tattoos.
New Style Foot Tattoos

However, there is a lot that one needs to know before heading out to the tattoo parlor to get a foot tattoo. First of all not all tattoo artist will tattoo feet. Some feel its a waste because they tend to fade more and the healing time is a little longer than other places on the body. Also it is best to get a foot tattoo in the spring or summer time, because you will need to wear flip flops or some sort of sandal that will not touch the tattoo while it is healing. Another tip that most people do not think about is having your dog or pet not step on your foot. You may not realize how often it happens in everyday life but it little Fido steps on your recently tattooed foot it is going to hurt really bad. Also you need to try and avoid them scratching your foot. This can led to an infection and will leave you tattoo with a big white mark. Furthermore you should be prepared of your foot swelling, try to keep it elevated when possible. Lastly, some people report that when their tattoo is healing that every time they take a step it cracks the scab in the tattoo and can cause some discomfort.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tribal Parrot Tattoo Style

People wearing awesome tribal tattoos didn't come by them by luck; they did everything they could to make sure their tattoo would turn out that way. Follow these guidelines and your ink will be impressive too.
First, they didn't choose an average, off the wall design. The tattoo caught your eye because it was impressive. An impressive tattoo starts with an impressive design. It is worth the few extra dollars to go straight to a fee based tribal tattoo design site. Here you will find the striking designs. You can choose from many different cultural tribal designs, each with different meanings. You will learn more about that on the tribal design site.
Second, they selected an artist that knows his or her tribal art and how to apply it. Tribal tattoo artists that specialize have the experience, knowledge and confidence you want if you want to wear some impressive ink. They can give you insight about your design, customize it and let you know if it is right for your body type and muscle structure. You don't get impressive ink on a walk in basis. Plan on spending some time to make this happen.
Finding these specialized tattoo artists isn't as hard as you might think. The best idea is to find a web site that lists a tribal tattoo artist's ranking. The same one you went to for your design should have this information.
Tattoo artist ranking is based on experience, client reviews and posted work. You will save yourself a lot of time searching for the right tribal tattoo artist and studio if you use a site like this. It may cost a few dollars but well worth it when you look at the tattoo you will end up with.
Another benefit from this type of site is that it is a gathering place of other people interested in tribal tattoos. They can give you tips and ideas. Visit the forum, blog or FAQ section to be as informed as possible.
Good luck getting your new tribal parrot tattoo!
Tattoo Flash Style

With the Internet you may already be discovering that the choices are seemingly endless when it comes to online galleries and design choices. Unless you have a specific design in mind, you will be spending hours searching.
Online galleries often contain user submitted photos of finished work. This is one way to see how a certain design will look on the skin. Keep in mind that every tattoo artist is different. Unless you are visiting the website of the actual shop you plan to visit, the photos you are seeing will be an approximation.
Once you have found the design you want, you will then need to print it out and take it to your artist. This is where a tattoo flash comes in, and can save time for your artist.
Tattoo Flash
A tattoo flash is a design that has been applied to a certain type of paper, kind of like tracing paper or carbon. This will allow for quick transfer of your design and your artist will be able to replicate it quite easily and accurately.
If you are searching for tattoo flash, you will be able to find these free on a lot of sites, but keep in mind that often what you end up with is an inferior product, as most of these designs are not done by a professional flash artist. Yes, there is a difference between a flash and an ordinary drawing.
When a professional draws a design for a tattoo flash, if you have seen these before you will notice that very intricate details are left out, and this is for a reason. The basic design is much easier to replicate and the fine details can the be added, often at your artists discretion.
A good tattoo artist often uses imagination as well when replicating a design, and this adds to a unique look to a tattoo. So, consider not using free sites to locate flash designs, and avoid gallery sites, which often do not make them available.
If you have artistic abilities, you may be able to create your own design to work off of. It need not be perfect, as a good tattoo artist can often see more in a basic drawing then you think. You may see a cloud, but your artist will see the silver lining beneath the surface.
Terry Daniels of TattooDesign-Reviews.com, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at TattooDesign-Reviews.com.
Friday, May 7, 2010
New Style Wing Tattoo Models

One of the many options that people settle for in a tattoo design is a wing tattoo. There are a very limited set of options when it comes to a its design. This article is intended to help you decide which kind of wing tattoo you might want to have.
Angel wings: Most of the angel wing types of tattoo designs are usually done on the shoulders and back of the people in order to give them a realistic look of having angel wings. People usually decide on getting an angel wing done in order to represent their religious belief and symbolism.
Demon wings: the demon wings are very similar to the angel wings. Demon wings are also drawn onto the back and shoulders of enthusiasts to represent religious belief and symbolism.
Fairy wings: People who love fantasy settle for fairy wings tattoos. The wings of the fairy are drawn onto the shoulders and back of women more than men.
Butterfly wings: Butterfly wings are also more preferred by women than men. Because of their natural beauty and colourful appeal, butterfly wings are one of the most popular tattoo designs. Like any other wing tattoo, butterfly wings are also inked onto the shoulders and back only.
All of the above are usually large in size, intricate in design and are ornamental. If you choose to have the butterfly or fairy wing tattoos, then they will require many types of colourful inks to be used. Moreover, these type of tattoos cannot be completed in one single session and require a series of sittings with the tattoo artist to complete. Depending upon the size, intricacy and the great variety of colors applied to the wing tattoos the cost of getting these done varies.
If you decide against spending so much of time and money in getting these wing tattoos done, you can settle for some simple tattoo design with wings in it. For example, if you do not want to get a butterfly wing tattoo, then you might probably settle to get a butterfly tattoo done instead.
Whichever type of wing tattoo you get done, you should be sure and committed to carry them on you for the rest of your life. It is also important to calculate the amount of time, efforts and money that you want to spend getting the tattoo done on you.
Tattoos are definitely a great way to make sure that you remain original and cool. I mean, everyone has a tattoo and a wing tattoo is definitely top shelf.
Dinosaur Style Tattoos

Of all the mythical creatures, the dragon is the most universal and is prominently featured in hundreds of cultures that represent the elements and the four points of the compass. In the Far East dragons symbolizes Water, Earth, Underworld and Sky and in the West it is more often a early enemy with whom combat is considered the ultimate supreme test. The dragon is a culturally far-ranging character whose apparent bad temper should be interpreted as simply amoral, neither good nor evil. Nature nurtures as well as destroys and so too does the dragon and probably for this reason its meaning as a symbol is not always consistent. Rain, lightning, floods, comets in the night sky - all the chaos and uncertainty of the Universe can be represented by the symbol of the dragon.
The image of dragon is the prototype of dinosaur. It has always been imagined breathing fire. Those are called fire dragon. There are water dragon tattoos also that causes the springs to bubble up, but also drowned people. But whatever be the type of dragon it may be, powerful dragons are often balanced with other tattoo designs that symbolize aspects of yin and yang. The several aspects of yin and yang reflects that no quality of its opposite, nor so pure that it does not contain its opposite in a diminished form. Although the fire dragon tattoo is thought to conquer all things and water dragon tattoo represents fears or repressed feelings or emotions. To the Chinese, the fire-spitting dragon was principally associated with lightning, and by extension to thunder and rainmaking, which made it a symbol of fertility while the Ancient Emperors and Celtic kings adopted the dragon as a symbol of the rhythm of existence that ensured order and prosperity. According to Jungian psychologists the water dragon symbolizes the deeper reaches of our subconscious.
As with most cultural and artistic styles and trends, tattoos and tattooing have endured various cycles of popularity, waxing and waning over the years, but never far from the people's imagination.
Beautifull Cat Style Tattos

First of all, for cat lovers, what better way is there to remember a special pet in a lasting way than to get a tattoo of your pet's face? A realistic cat tattoo will remind you of your pet for the rest of your life, and will also look great on you.
Cat owners often recognize that they have a personal affinity for cats - they see characteristics in their own personality that are cat like. Cats have a lot of positive characteristics that are good in people - they are athletic, intelligent, cunning, agile, sensual and perceptive. They have keen senses and are alert.
All of these characteristics can be communicated through an appropriate cat tattoo design. These designs can be realistic or iconic. They can be modern or traditional.
There is a long tradition of cat tattoos and cat designs in the art of many different cultures, and this goes back to the earliest recorded historical artifacts.
The ancient Egyptians used to worship cats, and had many drawings and statues of cats, both highly realistic and more abstract. Hieroglyphic style cat tattoos are very striking, and are a great way to capture this spiritual aspect of the feline form.
In addition to the domesticated cat, wild cats and big cats are also great material for tattoo designs. Many different species of cat have been celebrated in traditional art, and have come to be associated with different qualities, such as the majestic lion, and the fierce tiger. Tiger tattoos are great because the pattern of their stripes look especially good on women, too.
As you can see, cat tattoos are a really good option for you, whether you are considering getting a tattoo of a pet cat, or a wild or big cat. They are not just for weird people, they're great for anyone!
When you choose a design, make sure you go for something that is individual, and says something about you. That way you'll enjoy it more in the years to come.
A great way to choose the right design for yourself is to start by looking through a large selection of different tattoo designs. That way, you can quickly find what you do like and what you don't. Even if you re going to create your own custom design, checking out other designs is a good way to get a starting point that you can use to develop your own theme.